The psychology of change management

Companies can redesign their structure, their systems and processes but unless they can help their people change, they are just moving the same people with the same behaviours into a new reporting line. Emily Lawson and Colin Price unpack ways to change behaviour and attitudes in this story for McKinsey and Co. Companies can transform […]

Ten Ways to Get People to Change

A valuable checklist for change strategists by Morten T. Hansen in the Harvard Business Review. Don’t overlook his point that most leaders of change only use a few of these levers – use them all.   1. Embrace the power of one. One company I worked with posted 8 values and 12 competencies they wanted […]

Kintsugi Alliance

Why diversity matters

New research makes it increasingly clear that companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially. We know intuitively that diversity matters. It’s also increasingly clear that it makes sense in purely business terms. Research by McKinsey & Company finds that companies in the top quartile for gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely […]

Kintsugi Alliance

How citizen-centered design is changing the ways government serves people 

Applying human-centred design to developing public policy and services not only provides a better outcome for the people who’ll use them but also provides satisfaction for the staff who design and deliver them – win, win. When USA citizien, Norman Delap interacted with the American Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in the past, his experience felt intimidating […]

City calls on jury of its citizens to deliberate on Melbourne’s future

In a political landscape where trust has been eroded and the public are for the most part disengaged and disillusioned, it is refreshing to see state and local governments leading in some areas of policy innovation. A prime example of this is the use of deliberative democracy approaches to support the development of policies and […]