Technology is changing the world as we know it, in particular our political landscape. Is our system of government broken, simply being disrupted – or both? Mark Mulligan provides a little historical background then takes us through some of the ways tech is reshaping what we thought we knew about politics and ‘democracy’.
As I write this, the UK is in the midst of a potential constitutional crisis following the UK government’s proposed changes to political norms in order to push through Brexit. In some ways this is what you get when a country only has a part-written constitution and never quite got round to phasing out archaic tools such as proroguing parliament (a monarchical prerogative that was used by medieval Plantagenet kings such as Edward I and Edward II in the 13thand 14thcenturies). However, the implications of this are directly related to the current political situation in the US, Italy and other countries, and the cause of it is far, far more modern. In fact, technology is fundamentally reshaping politics, in ways that will transform how political parties operate and how the electorate itself engages.
Read more here.
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