A photo showing the underside of the bridge, highlighting the long-lasting foundations that have kept it solid over many years.

3 steps to laying foundations for growth

As a founder, you’re all about the big ideas, vision and accelerated growth to achieve global domination! You don’t have time, or even need, old-school planning and documents (that might just sit on a shelf). Yeah, we know. And we also know that’s what the other 90% of failed startups said too. So, why was […]

gender gap

The super gap is not just a woman’s issue

Uncertain work and low participation in the paid workforce will continue to result in a super gap – we need to have conversations now to work out a solution. In this article, AMP Managing Director of Superannuation Lara Bourguignon shares her personal insights on the super gap and puts forward a position that with changing […]

way to innovation

Innovation equals constant failure or just a new way of looking at it?

Professor Stefan Thomke discusses how past experience and intuition can be misleading when attempting to launch an innovative new product, service, business model, or process. Instead, Booking.com and other innovative firms embrace a culture where testing, experimentation and even failure at tried and true. Brian Kenny: The scientific method. It’s been around since the Renaissance. […]

linked in

How to create the perfect LinkedIn profile

In the current age, maintaining a presence on online networking platforms, such as LinkedIn, is crucial to get the most out of opportunities to network with other professionals, and discovering job opportunities. Harvard career experts weigh in on what makes the perfect LinkedIn profile. If you want to have a successful career, maintaining an online […]

phishing data

How to avoid data breaches in 2020

With fraudulent attempts to gain sensitive information becoming more and more sophisticated, we need to be vigilant. Experts weigh in on the best practices to protect ourselves. Many CEOs live in fear that their companies will suffer a data breach. That’s for good reason: In 2019 the average breach of U.S. companies cost $73,000. And the cost […]